September 9, 2011

Birthing a New Compton

Posted in Uncategorized at 8:43 pm by David and Jen

This is the slogan that the city of Compton has adopted, “Birthing a New Compton” You can see it on the city signs as you enter Compton. We talk about ideas of what it could mean but talking with City today, from the Salvation Army in Compton, he had a good perspective: “It means the city wants to be born again.” Compton is asking to be born again.


We desire that people will hear the good news and that the seed would be planted deeply and would affect all areas of the city. That people would not have to fear walking down the streets, that resolving conflict through violence is not an option, that those involved in prostitution would find the unconditional love of a savior. Please pray with us towards this end.

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